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Spread the Love

Spread the Love

Limited edition ✨❤️ Spread the love ❤️ ✨

4oz soy wax reiki candles

Scent notes:




All proceeds from purchasing these candles will go to Hoyt’s family.

Hoyt was born with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. HLHS is a heart defect in newborns where the left side of their heart is underdeveloped. In hopes of repairing Hoyts heart, he has spent countless days and nights in a hospital room, gone through about 20 chest tube procedures, more than 10 non invasive surgeries, and 2 open heart surgeries, which have all unfortunately been unsuccessful. After 3 trips to Philadelphia Children’s Hospital, parents Kasity and Mac were told there was nothing more they could do. However, they never gave up hope! Kasity received a call from Cincinnati Children’s hospital giving her the greatest news she could get. So, with Hoyt’s second birthday just around the corner, he is hoping to get a brand new heart! Kasity and Hoyt will be living in Cincinnati for a minimum of 3 months once Hoyt goes through with the heart transplant. On behalf of this sweet boy, and his incredibly strong family, we are asking for donations to help support them with medical expenses, travel, food and lodging expenses for not only Hoyt, but for his family as well. HELP HOYT GET A BRAND NEW HEART!

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