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What does it mean when you see colors during Reiki?

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

Have you ever seen colors when you were meditating or during a reiki session? These colors all correlate with a different chakra system within the body.

Each Chakra has a color attached.

1st Root Chakra Red color. The Root chakra when in balance you are Grounded. Feel belonging in the world, trusting, independent, ALIVE, and Poised.

Overactive Root Chakra. Bossy, Domineering, Big Ego, Greedy, Violent and Cunning.

Underactive Root Chakra Unloved, Sexually inadequate, frustrated, fearful, shy, and unsure.

2nd Sacral Chakra Orange color. The Sacral Chakra when in Balance you are Friendly, passionate, sexually fulfilled, good mood, playful, naturally flirty. Overactive Sacral Chakra Need power, Manipulative, cravings. Underactive shy, guilty, afraid to interact, lost, overly concerned about what others think.

3rd Solar Plexus yellow color. Balanced Solar Plexus Respect for self and others, confident, outgoing, problem solving, calm, integrity, Overactive Judgmental, Stubborn, Critical, Bully. Underactive Low self esteem, Apathetic, procrastinating, "Taken advantage of" Not knowing what to do.

4th Heart Chakra green color. When the heart chakra is balanced feelings of being loved, loving, empathetic, "contagiously" Good Vibes. Overactive Heart chakra Entitlement, jealousy, Blaming others, Giving too much. Underactive feeling unloved, self pity, fear of rejection, neediness, clinginess, uncertainty.

5th Throat Chakra Blue color. Balanced Throat Chakra Can express self, speaks your truth, and creative. Overactive Throat Chakra SPeaking too much, BOring others, Seen as criticizing, and stubborn. Underactive Can't express oneself, afraid to speak in public, cannot express the creative side, seen as timid, and dependent.

6th Third eye located at brow line indigo color. When in balance Intuitive, charismatic, can meditate, knows one's purpose, seen as wise. Overactive Third eye Spaced out, lost, worrying, seen as living in a fantasy world. Underactive cant see the bigger picture, can be easily influenced, confused about one's purpose, and doubting oneself.

7th Crown Chakra purple color. When balanced feelings of joy, connected to "the life force energy" While aware of one's individuality, wise, and compassionate. Overactive Addicted to spirituality, craving attention, needing to be popular, and over-erotic imagination. Underactive misunderstood, cant have fun, unaware of or denying ones spiritual connection.

As always please reach out if you have any questions or would like to book a session.

Love and Light


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