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Is Reiki a Religion?

Is Reiki a Religion? Short answer no. Long answer....

Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that balances the mind, body and spirit. Reiki is safe for anyone to use no matter what religion or age. Rei- spiritually guided Ki-Life energy. Reiki or life force energy is in all living things. Plants, animals, and humans. If your familiar with a chakra or energy wheels within the body Reiki reacts with them to change the energy flow within the body. Sometimes when we have stagnate or too much energy in a chakra we need to send Reiki or other energy healing modality to those areas to help balance the body so it doesn't become dis-ease.

I will admit I'm in no way a Religion expert I'm just writing from personal experience. I grew up going to church on and off as a child but then fell off in my 20's. In another blog post healing my sacral chakra and weight loss I spoke briefly about my struggles in relationships and addictions. Which resulted in me losing touch with spirituality. I thought of god as a man in the clouds that gave out rewards or consequences. I prayed but felt no one was listening. I was living out of alignment of who I really was. Learning along the way of who I needed to become. I have forgiven and continue to forgive the traumas of my past and believe without the past I would never be who I am today.

After becoming Reiki certified I have connected with my spiritually making it stronger than ever before. God, Divine, Spirit, The Universe or whatever you choose to call it, Is in everything.. We are all one, our energy affects the animals, plants and people around us. Be the energy you want to attract. Every Morning I set an intention for where I want to send Reiki. When you ask for prayers I set an intention of healing energy to be sent to you. I get even more specific if I have details of what you need healing for. For example if you are having surgery on your knee I will send Reiki energy to your knee during a specific time of the surgery or after to facilitate the healing power of your body to recover. I send Reiki to the food I make for my family, to my children when they get a boo boo or my loved ones who need emotional or physical healing. I do not heal the body, the body heals itself I am just a conduit for the energy to flow through to where it needs to go.

Yes this may sound like magic or woo woo stuff. But I've never been more connected with The Universe or my body then I em right now. I believe anything can be real every thought is the first step to an intention that becomes real. You can manifest it or you can pass it off. The power is in all of us to heal our own body and help people heal themselves.

Check out these amazing medical studies on Reiki put together by Paritashah Healing

If you have more questions about Reiki please message me today! Or if you'd like to receive healing please schedule or call me.

Love & Light


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