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Healing my Sacral Chakra and weight loss

After having two kids I've gained some extra pounds. My oldest daughter Claire will be 5 years old this fall. When she was born it was very traumatic for me. She was 8 days overdue so we decided to induce labor where I labored for 17 hours before they had to take her out by emergency Cesarean. It was scary, I literally thought I was going to die. Claire had a rough first four days of her life too. Hooked her up to antibiotics and a spinal tap minutes after she was delivered. The doctors feared she was sick so she had to have a round of antibiotics. But there wasn't anything wrong with her.She was healthy but I was messed up with regrets of how things went. If I could do it all over again I would! The recovery was hard I was on pain pills and couldn't sit up to hold my baby. I cried a lot and struggled with breastfeeding. My stomach was numb and flopped over my waistline. I eventually went back to work started to go on walks and feel more "normal". I had about 20 extra pounds that I haven't been able to get rid of since Ive had her. Fast forward 2 years I got pregnant with Gwen. Claire had just turned 2 so we were at a busy stage in life. Gwen was a planned cesarean. I was too afraid to go through it all again and have to have another emergency c-section. So we picked her birthday and the best doctor. We went in knowing what was happening and it was so much easier. I was smiling throughout the birth never once thought I would die like my first. After labor I had one pain pill that made me feel so bad! After that I just asked for tylenol if needed. I bonded so much with Gwen I didn't want to put her down. She took to breastfeeding so easy (went strong for a whole year). I was ready to go home and start healing the doctors were impressed how fast I was recovering and with no narcotic meds.

After getting home pain wasn't nearly as bad as it was the first go around. I recovered so much faster. But with having a 2 year old and a new born I was tired all the time! I was moody and stressed out. I lost my creative side and craved for something else in my day to day life. I finally went back to work after 3 months. As I drove away from my house the further I got away the taller I began to sit up in my seat. I literally felt like I cut the ropes that were holding me down. I could breathe easier and my posture improved. I knew I had to get something more to jump start my system to get into a better mindset for my family and my health physical and mentally. That's when I tried Hypnotherapy for Stress & Anxiety. It taught me techniques to stay calm and reminded me of what a joyful life was like. I then dived deep into my Meditation, journaling, and my Reiki healing practice. Learning anything I could about Energy healing modalities and continue to learn.

I was still 20 lbs heavier then I wanted to be but was making progress little by little and loving my new mom bod. I learned about Chakras during Massage Therapy School and knew I had to heal my second chakra, my Sacral Chakra. Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen 2 inches down from the belly button and 2 inches within the body. With having a caesarean the doctor literally cuts through the Sacral Chakra causing imbalance. Here's a quick lesson on chakras. The word Chakra means "spinning wheel of energy" in Sanskrit. We have 7 chakras and several other energy points (referred to as meridians in acupuncture). Each chakra connects with organs and emotions within the body. My favorite way to measure the balance of a chakra or acupuncture points is by using a pendulum. A pendulum is a long chain or string with a point at the end that you can hold over the area and the point will measure the energy coming from the body and spin or move letting the user know by the movement if it is balanced or out of balance. My Sacral Chakra had been out of balance for years! Even before I had kids. Imbalances of the sacral chakra include addiction, mood imbalances, reproduction issues, loss of imagination or creativity, depression, fear, or sexual dysfunction. In my late 20s I had abused my body with unhealthy relationships and drug & alcohol abuse which led to addictions and mood imbalances. Knowing this I needed to do the work to heal from my past traumas before I could successfully lose weight or have love for myself and my body.

I'm still healing to this day but It's getting so much easier. I have love for myself and forgiven myself for a lot of things I did and were done to me. I've forgiven every uncomfortable thing that has happened to my body and that is a huge step in healing traumas. I have motivation to work out,Yoga and meditation has changed my brain for the better! I've also changed my eating habits. I don't feel drained of energy so I reach for the sugar to boost me. I feel boost of energy from the fruits and vegetables I eat. Don't get me wrong I still eat cake but I do it responsibly lol if that's a thing. I just feel the need to make it a healthy balance of treats to veggies ratio.

I can't wait to see where this new life and brain will take me as I continue to heal my Sacral Chakra and I hope this story helps someone along the way. If you have any questions about energy healing, chakras, or want to Schedule a Reiki session with me Please message me today!

Love & Light,

Trisha LMT Reiki Practitioner

If you are experiencing abuse please call National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 or chat with an advocate online.

If you are struggling with addiction call SAMHSA National Helpline 1-800-662-4357

Or call or message me and I can help you find the help you need.

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