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Writer's pictureangelicaspatium

Daily Healing during Quarantine

During this quarantine I've really been hitting it hard on my mediation and self-healing practices. I need to stay positive for my family and my own self so we can get through this time. Rewind to when the world was "normal” My best friend who had recently moved home wanted a way to hang out and get into nature while talking and walking through our daily struggles and celebrations. We would pack up our kids my two girls and her two pups and we would go out pretty much 2 days a week unless we were sick, or it was too cold. It felt great connecting as we walked. We would go to trails around her house that were beautiful and sometimes filled with bums but still beautiful. Then the pandemic started so we decided to take a break on our walks. We still talk on the phone but it’s not the same and I can’t wait for the day we can go walking again!

I wanted to continue this journey of walking and add it to my daily healing rituals I've been doing during Quarantine. Which are waking up laying in bed and doing a 5 min meditation remind myself Just for today… I will not worry, I will be grateful, I will not be angry, I will do my work honestly, and I will be kind to every living thing. If my children allow it lol just breathing and listening to my body. Then journaling and reminding myself to be mindful. At this point my kids need to EAT NOW! So I stop and feed the animals ha! Then while they chomp on their breakfast, I sit with the sunlight on my face sometimes listening to 528 hz healing music and do Self Reiki healing for as long as I can on myself. After I drink hot water with lemon. Then chase it with a cup of coffee because I'm addicted! I sometimes try to take a shower, do yoga, foam roll, dance or start our walk for the day. I kind of let the kids decide where the day will take us next. The day might have some struggles the kids fight or something doesn't go the way I thought but it usually goes pretty well if I do these things.

So 2 days ago I didn’t do any of these things. It was my husband first day back to work in 3 months. So I was alone with the kids for the first time in a long time. It was pouring rain so we didn’t go outside. I just sat on the couch and scrolled through social media while I let my children run a muck in the house. I didn’t shower or walk, do yoga, or meditate. Nothing I just sat and felt sorry for myself. So the day goes on still with no healing rituals. My husband finally gets home and brings the mail in. I got some packages I was excited to see what I got. I wanted it to fill the void I felt in my self from the day. I ripped the bag open it was a potato peeler and as I ripped it the peeler snagged my finger peeling the side of my nail down! Ouch I said and yelled some swear words that my 2-year-old repeated in the living room running around. I ran to the sink and washed it putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding. Just at that time my husband got some sad news as I was bandaging my finger up. His grandfather had been battling the virus for a month and wasn't going to make it. My husband needed to say his last goodbyes. We were feeling so defeated by the day. We didn’t even make dinner just found something and threw it on the kids plates and walked around the house nursing my wound and worrying about our loved one. Then another avalanche came at bedtime. We skipped bath time (mistake) We were tired and sad from the day we just wanted the kids to go to bed like angels and we could be alone and feel sorry for ourselves. But no they screamed bloody murder I tried my hardest to go back in and do some relaxing breathing techniques and EFT tapping but it did not work. After an hour of whines, I said OK no more we have to go outside. So in their Pj's they stood in the wet yard after the rain. I told them to tell me what they heard, smelled, or saw. Then we did some yoga moves and thanked the earth for its healing powers. Then we took a bath and told all the negative energy to wash down the drain! We got tucked into bed again I sent them Reiki as they calmed down. Then kisses goodnight left the room. I looked on the baby monitor 5 minutes later they were a sleep.

So what I'm trying to say is for me I have to do these things everyday or my day will be more difficult and I wont be able to handle what falls on me. I encourage you all to find what works for you. What brings you peace to your day. What helps you get through this tough time not just now but anytime. If you need any help finding what healing rituals work best for you please reach out to me. Love and light to you!

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