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10 Daily Rituals that will bring you more joy!

  1. Gratitude Journal. I like to leave journals throughout my house one in the bedroom, living room, my work bag. Just so i can write down anything that comes to mind. I also have a specific gratitude journal that has topics for me to write about which is fun do do and it reminds me what I'm grateful for.

  2. Play outside, dance, workout, yoga, run/walk, jump on a trampoline. Any movement to get the lymph system moving. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help remove toxins, wastes, unwanted materials in your body.

  3. Self Reiki healing or Meditate even if it's just for 5 minutes. It will set your tone for the day. Listen to peaceful music or sounds of nature and focus on your breath if the mind wonders come back to the breathe. I will be offering a self Reiki COurse on release by the end of the month for anyone who is interested in learning Reiki.

  4. Clear your space by burning sage, incense, palo santos, sweet grass. They are known to clear your air of any negative energy. Sage is known to kill the bacteria in the air making the quality of air better.

  5. Carry crystals around with you. In my pocket or next to my heart, I carry amethyst is my go to crystal. amethyst has the healing ability to help you relax and removes negative energy. Strengthens immune system and helps increase focus enhancing motivation. I encourage you to find a crystal that speaks to you whether if you like the color or look or if it gives you a good feeling when you pick it up.

  6. Sit in the morning or evening sun! Sunrises and sunsets are beautiful and you are so lucky to have experienced them. Vitamin D from the sun is the best. D vitamin helps your body's immune system also helps absorb calcium and phosphorus for healthy bone and teeth.

  7. Listen to 528 hz frequency. This frequency is a healing frequency at a cellular level. Helping change the cell structure so it can repair itself.

  8. Practice Deep Breathing. Taking full deep belly breaths filling your belly up like a balloon holding and release. Doing this in the morning or before bed. Helps the body relax brings in more oxygen and reduces stress/ anxiety. Many people swallow breath which brings many health problems if done for a long time. Keeping your body in fight or flight taxing your nervous system causing dis-ease within the body. So its sos so important to practice your deep breathing.

  9. EFT Tapping. Tapping is known to rewire the signal at a meridian level to change a thought. EFT tapping can help restore balance to disrupted energy

  10. Drink water! 2 liters of spring water daily. Helps body flush out toxins and keeps your skin and body healthy.

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